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How To - Gluck OPA! Fellowships

OPA! (Outreach Performing Artist) fellowships are provided by the Gluck office to talented UCR undergraduate and graduate students who perform in public and community spaces around Riverside. OPA! fellowships are paid $200 in financial aid for each session, with a minimum one-hour commitment and a maximum 3-hour commitment per session. (sessions from 4-6 hours receive 2 OPAs)

All undergraduate and graduate students who are currently registered at UCR main campus, and who are eligible to receive financial aid, are eligible to register their 'act'. (UCR Extension students are not eligible.)

We are looking for talented undergraduate and graduate students to audition and perform in public and community spaces around Riverside: actors, dancers, musicians, storytellers, solo acts, ensembles, etc. OPA! fellowships are granted based on an approved project proposal and event.
Register online using OPA Registration (Form A), then contact the Gluck office for an audition or Talk Through:

OPA!s can be solo performers or an ensemble of students. Each participant earns one $200 OPA! fellowship per event, paid through financial aid. Multiple performances are possible throughout the year. There are no support funds for performers outside of the fellowship.

OPA! fellowships are also given to UCR students for community arts outreach activities and events through selected student organizations. Participation in eligible student org activities includes arts outreach with Mosaic, Latinx Play Project, and more.

**If you are part of a student org, please contact your org's leadership for specific information about your OPA! schedule and on boarding paperwork. Contact the Gluck office if you have more questions!

After the OPA! act or ensemble is on the Gluck OPA! Roster, they will be considered for OPA! eligible events. Ensemble members and individual acts must fill out all on boarding paperwork prior to the scheduled event. Visit the Google Drive for the OPA! Handbook and all required forms. Performers must provide their own instruments, transportation, and other performance support.

Ensemble Leaders and Individual Acts - if you have an event for which you would like to receive an OPA! please fill in an OPA! Request (Form B). We will contact you for more details as necessary.

If you have questions about the OPA! program, or you would like to schedule an audition for Talk Through, contact us or make an appointment to visit the Gluck office. The Gluck office is located in INTN 2027, but moving to College Building North.