
Arts Education for the Creative Classroom

Fellows, here are resources for effective workshop planning and application writing. Below you will find information that will be helpful in shaping your ideas for a Gluck workshop - you are also welcome to use the Creative Classroom archive for inspiration!  There are a number of articles and documents that can help you develop your workshop plan, including learning objectives, learning outcomes, and assessment strategies. 
Preparing a Classroom Fellowship
Preparing your Gluck Classroom or GluckTV Fellowship is in Fellows Resources

The series has all the information for creating a Gluck classroom fellowship. There is a style guide for creating your Creative Classroom files, TIVA and activities as well as requirements for the GluckLive obligation.

GluckMedia style guides and logos

Developing a GluckLive Workshop

Gluck Program Archive - Over 15 years of Gluck Fellow programs, presentations, performances, and workshops are available to inspire your proposal

Gluck Workshop 101 - Top tips for Gluck workshop planning

California Common Core ELA Standards - Reference the Speaking and Listening sections when developing the Common Core Learning Objectives portion of your Application/Program Pack

California Visual and Performing Arts Standards - Reference the standards for your discipline when developing the Learning Objectives/Outcomes portion of your Application/Program Pack

California Visual and Performing Arts Strands - A quick reference for the 5 VAPA strands that each Gluck Fellow workshop must address

56 Ways to do Formative Assessment - Ideas for the Outcome Assessment portion of your Application/Program Pack

53 Ways to Check Understanding - Ideas for the Outcome Assessment portion of your Application/Program Pack

Curriculum Mapping - Ideas for integrating the visual and performing arts into ELA units. Please DO NOT tie your workshop application directly to a specific curriculum unit. This document is meant to illustrate how the arts can be integrated into a variety of classroom content areas.

Classroom Management Strategies for Fellows

Student Engagement and Classroom Management Infographics - A variety of infographics with classroom management and student engagement tips

Higher Education and Arts Education Resources

UCR Codes of Conduct

US Department of Education statement on safe learning environments

10 Lessons the Arts Teach